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La tablet Android 11 no puede conectarse a WiFi (guardado; obtención de dirección IP)

Tengo una nueva tablet Thomson Teo 13.3 Android 11 (empecé desde los valores predeterminados de fábrica, es nuevo ). He creado una nueva red Wi-Fi en mi router NETGEAR WAX202, llamémosla SSID "MiRed2", y he hecho que esta tablet se conecte a ella. Da vueltas en "obtener dirección IP" por un tiempo; y luego dice "Guardado" y eso es todo lo que muestra.

Tengo 5 dispositivos en mi red doméstica conectados al mismo router y funcionan sin problemas, aunque están conectados a una red Wi-Fi diferente. Para probar, hice que mi smartphone Samsung con LineageOS 17 se conectara a esta "MiRed2" - sin problema alguno. Así que no es el router, me imagino.

He encontrado que Android 11 introdujo algunos cambios que pueden romper la conectividad de red WiFi. Algunos de los artículos que leí:

Conexión de dispositivos Android 11+ a SSID WPA/WPA2/WPA3/Enterprise

Desde la mejora de seguridad de Android 11 lanzada en diciembre de 2020, esto ha cambiado y, como resultado, no se puede omitir la validación del certificado.

PSA: Android 11 ya no te dejará conectarte de forma insegura a redes WiFi empresariales

El problema con el que se encontrarán muchos usuarios tras actualizar a Android 11* es que se ha eliminado la opción "No validar" del desplegable "Certificado CA"

Aunque probablemente eso no se aplique a mí, porque no utilizo una red de empresa.

Con el tiempo también encontré:

Problemas de conexión Wi-Fi con el Xiaomi Mi A2

había activado WPA junto con WPA2 en el AP. También confirmaron que no era algo que pudiera haber hecho yo mismo, ya que no hay ninguna opción relevante en la parte "de cara al usuario" del panel de configuración. ...

... lo que a su vez lleva a wpa_supplicant a ignorar el hecho de que hay una etiqueta MBO/OCE (que está, por supuesto, todavía presente) a pesar de que el AP no soporta PMF como se informa en el RSN IE, y sólo utiliza el WPA IE para elegir los cifrados necesarios

No entiendo ni la mitad de lo que se dice aquí, pero he probado a desactivar las frecuencias duales en la red WiFi, y a añadir tanto WPA como WPA2 - y por supuesto, esto tampoco ha funcionado.

De todos modos, he intentado obtener un logcat durante los intentos de conexión, cuando la red WiFi está en este estado:


Intenté buscar sólo lo relevante:

$ grep -i 'wifi\|wpa\|conn\|net' ~/Desktop/logcat2
06-29 10:24:30.387   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:30.822   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:31.852   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:34.867   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:35.820   413  4727 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:35.820   413  4727 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:35.839   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 2 scan results.
06-29 10:24:35.859   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:35.907  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:24:37.784   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:37.883  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 reason=3 locally_generated=1
06-29 10:24:37.892   326   326 I wificond: Regulatory domain changed
06-29 10:24:37.893   413   433 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: false
06-29 10:24:37.898   326   326 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472
06-29 10:24:37.901   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.901   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.901   326   326 I wificond: 6Ghz frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.902   326   326 I wificond: Regulatory domain changed to country: ES
06-29 10:24:37.909   326   326 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472
06-29 10:24:37.909   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.909   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.909   326   326 I wificond: 6Ghz frequencies:
06-29 10:24:37.920   413   501 W LastMileLogger: Failed to stop event tracing: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-29 10:24:37.921   413   501 W LastMileLogger: Failed to read event trace: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace
06-29 10:24:37.929  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
06-29 10:24:37.949  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=ES
06-29 10:24:37.952   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from telephony
06-29 10:24:37.963   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 
06-29 10:24:37.965   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to null
06-29 10:24:37.965   413   501 D WifiClientModeImpl: Start Disconnecting Watchdog 23
06-29 10:24:37.968   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: Keep PMK cache for network disconnection reason 3
06-29 10:24:37.969   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2100) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = }
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: stopIpClient IpClientWithPreConnection: false
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: java.lang.Throwable
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:1069)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopDhcpSetup(ClientModeImpl.java:1084)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.handleNetworkDisconnect(ClientModeImpl.java:2761)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.access$5400(ClientModeImpl.java:163)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$ConnectModeState.processMessage(ClientModeImpl.java:4290)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
06-29 10:24:37.975   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-29 10:24:37.977   413   506 D ConnectivityService: [122 WIFI] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from UNKNOWN to DISCONNECTED
06-29 10:24:37.977   413   506 D ConnectivityService: [122 WIFI] disconnected, was satisfying 0
06-29 10:24:37.997   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: disconnectedstate enter
06-29 10:24:37.999   413   501 E WifiScoringParams: Invalid frequency(-1), using 5G as default rssi array
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: stopIpClient IpClientWithPreConnection: false
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: java.lang.Throwable
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:1069)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.access$4200(ClientModeImpl.java:163)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$DisconnectedState.processMessage(ClientModeImpl.java:5686)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
06-29 10:24:38.006   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-29 10:24:38.009   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: Keep PMK cache for network disconnection reason 3
06-29 10:24:38.013   413   501 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
06-29 10:24:38.030   413   506 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
06-29 10:24:39.388   413  3531 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:39.388   413  3531 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:39.431   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 7 scan results.
06-29 10:24:39.447   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:39.475  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:24:40.391   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:40.827   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:41.776   413  4727 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:41.776   413  4727 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:24:41.810   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 4 scan results.
06-29 10:24:41.820   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:41.860  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:24:42.197   413  4727 I WifiService: connect uid=1000
06-29 10:24:42.208   413   501 D WifiConfigManager: Enable disabled network: "MyNetwork2" num=0
06-29 10:24:42.251   413   501 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 18 ms.
06-29 10:24:42.256   413   501 D WifiClientModeImpl: connectToUserSelectNetwork netId 5, uid 1000, forceReconnect = false
06-29 10:24:42.266   413   501 D WifiClientModeImpl: CMD_START_CONNECT  my state DisconnectedState nid=5 roam=false
06-29 10:24:42.310   413   501 D WifiClientModeImpl: No changes in MAC address
06-29 10:24:42.314   413   501 W LastMileLogger: Failed to open free_buffer pseudo-file: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/free_buffer: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-29 10:24:42.316   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: Connecting with 7a:f8:f8:9e:da:fc as the mac address
06-29 10:24:42.317   326   326 W wificond: Scan is not started. Ignore abort request
06-29 10:24:42.319   413   501 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: connectToNetwork "MyNetwork2"WPA_PSK
06-29 10:24:42.319   413   501 D SupplicantStaIfaceHal: Network is already saved, but need to update BSSID.
06-29 10:24:42.334  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: SME: Trying to authenticate with 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 (SSID='MyNetwork2' freq=2472 MHz)
06-29 10:24:42.454  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Trying to associate with 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 (SSID='MyNetwork2' freq=2472 MHz)
06-29 10:24:42.560   413   433 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true
06-29 10:24:42.563  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: Associated with 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2
06-29 10:24:42.568  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 (ver=2)
06-29 10:24:42.572  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4
06-29 10:24:42.572  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-SUBNET-STATUS-UPDATE status=0
06-29 10:24:42.583  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 (ver=2)
06-29 10:24:42.583  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4
06-29 10:24:42.607  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 [PTK=CCMP GTK=TKIP]
06-29 10:24:42.607  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 completed [id=0 id_str=%7B%22configKey%22%3A%22%5C%22MyNetwork2%5C%22WPA_PSK%22%2C%22creatorUid%22%3A%221000%22%7D]
06-29 10:24:42.612   413   433 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: true
06-29 10:24:42.629   413   501 D ConnectivityService: registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: UNKNOWN/IDLE, reason: (unspecified), extra: , failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]}  network{123}  nethandle{531686674445}  lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ ] Domains: null MTU: 0 Routes: [ ]}}  nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps OwnerUid: 1000 SSID: "MyNetwork2" RequestorUid: -1 RequestorPackageName: null]}  Score{20}  everValidated{false}  lastValidated{false}  created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{true} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} partialConnectivity{false} acceptPartialConnectivity{false} clat{mBaseIface: null, mIface: null, mState: IDLE} }
06-29 10:24:42.663   413   506 D ConnectivityService: [123 WIFI] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: stopIpClient IpClientWithPreConnection: false
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: java.lang.Throwable
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:1069)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopDhcpSetup(ClientModeImpl.java:1084)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.startIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:6535)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.access$6800(ClientModeImpl.java:163)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$ObtainingIpState.enter(ClientModeImpl.java:5132)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.invokeEnterMethods(StateMachine.java:1037)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.performTransitions(StateMachine.java:879)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:819)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
06-29 10:24:42.680   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-29 10:24:42.693   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:42.717   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:42.741   413   506 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
06-29 10:24:42.756  3386  3386 E PreferenceGroup: Found duplicated key: "StandardWifiEntry:MyNetwork2,2". This can cause unintended behaviour, please use unique keys for every preference.
06-29 10:24:42.808   245   393 E Netd    : no such netId 123
06-29 10:24:42.832   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:45.737   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:48.754   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:50.442   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:50.465   326   326 E wificond: NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN failed: Device or resource busy
06-29 10:24:50.466   413   505 E WificondScannerImpl: Failed to start scan, freqs=null
06-29 10:24:50.469   413   501 E WifiScanRequestProxy: Scan failure received. reason: -1,description: Scan failed
06-29 10:24:50.523  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:24:50.836   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:24:50.865   413   505 E WificondScannerImpl: Failed to start scan, freqs=null
06-29 10:24:50.869   413   501 E WifiScanRequestProxy: Scan failure received. reason: -1,description: Scan failed
06-29 10:24:50.933  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:24:51.767   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:50.864   326   326 E wificond: NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN failed: Device or resource busy
06-29 10:24:54.789   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:24:57.806   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:00.454   413  6577 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:25:00.716   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:00.844   413  6577 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner: WifiThreadRunner.call() timed out!
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner: java.lang.Throwable: Stack trace:
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner:  at com.android.server.wifi.WifiThreadRunner.call(WifiThreadRunner.java:80)
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner:  at com.android.server.wifi.WifiServiceImpl.startScan(WifiServiceImpl.java:497)
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner:  at android.net.wifi.IWifiManager$Stub.onTransact(IWifiManager.java:718)
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner:  at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1154)
06-29 10:25:04.849   413  6577 E WifiThreadRunner:  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1123)
06-29 10:25:05.967  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=37:XX:XX:XX:XX:e2 reason=3 locally_generated=1
06-29 10:25:05.970   413   433 I EthernetTracker: interfaceLinkStateChanged, iface: wlan0, up: false
06-29 10:25:05.971   326   326 I wificond: Regulatory domain changed
06-29 10:25:05.973   413  3531 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:05.973   413  3531 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:05.980   413   501 W LastMileLogger: Failed to stop event tracing: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06-29 10:25:05.982   413   501 W LastMileLogger: Failed to read event trace: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace
06-29 10:25:05.985   326   326 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472
06-29 10:25:05.987   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.987   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.987   326   326 I wificond: 6Ghz frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.987   326   326 I wificond: Regulatory domain changed to country: ES
06-29 10:25:05.989   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: Reading country code from telephony
06-29 10:25:05.989  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=CORE type=WORLD
06-29 10:25:05.992   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: Set telephony country code to: 
06-29 10:25:05.992   326   326 I wificond: 2.4Ghz frequencies: 2412 2417 2422 2427 2432 2437 2442 2447 2452 2457 2462 2467 2472
06-29 10:25:05.993   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz non-DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.993   413   501 D WifiCountryCode: updateCountryCode to null
06-29 10:25:05.993   326   326 I wificond: 5Ghz DFS frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.993   326   326 I wificond: 6Ghz frequencies:
06-29 10:25:05.993   413   501 D WifiClientModeImpl: Start Disconnecting Watchdog 24
06-29 10:25:05.994  3892  3892 I wpa_supplicant: wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-REGDOM-CHANGE init=USER type=COUNTRY alpha2=ES
06-29 10:25:05.999   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: Keep PMK cache for network disconnection reason 3
06-29 10:25:06.001   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: stopRssiMonitoring(l.2100) failed {.code = ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, .description = }
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 1 scan results.
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: stopIpClient IpClientWithPreConnection: false
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: java.lang.Throwable
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:1069)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopDhcpSetup(ClientModeImpl.java:1084)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.handleNetworkDisconnect(ClientModeImpl.java:2761)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.access$5400(ClientModeImpl.java:163)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$ConnectModeState.processMessage(ClientModeImpl.java:4290)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
06-29 10:25:06.007   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-29 10:25:06.021   413   506 D ConnectivityService: [123 WIFI] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from UNKNOWN to DISCONNECTED
06-29 10:25:06.021   413   506 D ConnectivityService: [123 WIFI] disconnected, was satisfying 0
06-29 10:25:06.029   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: disconnectedstate enter
06-29 10:25:06.035   413   501 E WifiScoringParams: Invalid frequency(-1), using 5G as default rssi array
06-29 10:25:06.040  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: stopIpClient IpClientWithPreConnection: false
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl: java.lang.Throwable
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.stopIpClient(ClientModeImpl.java:1069)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl.access$4200(ClientModeImpl.java:163)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.server.wifi.ClientModeImpl$DisconnectedState.processMessage(ClientModeImpl.java:5686)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.processMsg(StateMachine.java:992)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at com.android.wifi.x.com.android.internal.util.StateMachine$SmHandler.handleMessage(StateMachine.java:809)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 V WifiClientModeImpl:    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-29 10:25:06.042   413   501 I WifiClientModeImpl: Keep PMK cache for network disconnection reason 3
06-29 10:25:06.049   413   501 D WifiNetworkAgent: NetworkAgent: NetworkAgent channel lost
06-29 10:25:06.055   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:06.073   413   506 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
06-29 10:25:06.137  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:25:07.389   413  4727 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:07.389   413  4727 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:07.411   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 5 scan results.
06-29 10:25:07.425   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:07.461  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:25:10.475   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:25:11.845   413  4727 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:11.845   413  4727 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:11.860   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 2 scan results.
06-29 10:25:11.872   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:11.926  1020  1754 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl
06-29 10:25:14.866   413  4727 I WifiService: startScan uid=1000
06-29 10:25:16.043   413   501 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 13 ms.
06-29 10:25:16.251   413  3531 D WifiNl80211Manager: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:16.251   413  3531 D WifiNative: Scan result ready event
06-29 10:25:16.267   413   505 D WificondScannerImpl: Filtering out 3 scan results.
06-29 10:25:16.279   413   501 E WifiVendorHal: getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_3_Internal(l.973) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown error}
06-29 10:25:16.343  1020  1178 I ChimeraSrvcProxy: NullBinder for android.net.action.RECOMMEND_NETWORKS triggering remote TransactionTooLargeException due to Service without Chimera impl

No consigo entender los registros anteriores. No son más que un galimatías para un usuario final que intenta depurar su problema.

Así que, ¿alguien tiene una idea acerca de lo que está mal aquí - y lo que debo hacer para conseguir la conexión WiFi con esta tablet en este router y el trabajo de red?


sdaau Puntos 131

En primer lugar, encontré https://f-droid.org/packages/com.vrem.wifianalyzer/ - obviamente, tuvo que instalarse a través de adb install a través de USB, ya que no tenía WiFi.

Pero este programa mostró, que todo lo que este dispositivo puede ver, son redes en el rango de 2,4 GHz. Así que configuré mi red sólo en 5 GHz, y de repente era invisible para la tablet.

Entonces pensé que debía mirar más de cerca las especificaciones de la tablet. Por supuesto, no hay especificaciones de la tablet para encontrar fácilmente.

Afortunadamente, por fin he encontrado algo que parece más o menos razonable:


  • Modelo de procesador: A133
  • Familia de procesadores: Allwinner
  • Estándares Wi-Fi: 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
  • El mejor estándar Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)

Por desgracia (aunque era de esperar), no se menciona qué chipset WiFi se utiliza; he encontrado esto: https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/10/31/allwinner-a133-tablet-processor-pairs-with-xr829-or-aw859a-wifi-bluetooth-chip/

la empresa también combina el procesador A133 con sus propios chips inalámbricos, ya sea el chip XR829 WiFI 4 y Bluetooth 4.2, o el chip AW859A WiFi 5 802.11ac de doble banda y Bluetooth 5.

Así que creo que este dispositivo tiene un chipset WiFi XR829. Pero no importa eso.

Si miro https://www.rfwireless-world.com/Terminology/difference-between-wifi-6-and-wifi-5.html - mencionan que WiFi 3 "admite bandas de frecuencia de 2,4 GHz y 5 GHz", pero no hay ninguna mención de este tipo para WiFi 4. Por lo tanto, no puedo decir realmente, si WiFi 4 en principio soporta 5 GHz - pero basado en lo que la aplicación anterior informó, supuse que este chip WiFi no puede manejar 5 GHz.

Por lo tanto, acabo de hacer estos cambios a mi red WiFi, con respecto a la captura de pantalla publicada anteriormente en OP:

  • Opciones de seguridad: volver a WPA2-Personal [AES]. sólo
  • Banda: 2,4 GHz sólo

... y finalmente, se conectó al Wi-Fi.


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