10 votos

Conexión a WiFi a través de ADB Shell

He probado todos los métodos discutidos públicamente que he podido encontrar para conectarme al WiFi a través de ADB en un teléfono con una pantalla rota (sin pantalla/no táctil). Lo más cercano que he conseguido es a través de wpa_cli utilizando el método #1 descrito a continuación.

También se mencionan otros métodos que he intentado pero sin éxito. Mi objetivo para este teléfono roto es utilizarlo como un servidor headless ya sea a través de LinuxDeploy o de aplicaciones nativas para Android, y para ello necesito tener VNC funcionando y para ello necesito conectarme a Wifi de alguna manera.

Se agradecen las soluciones para conectarse a Wifi O de otro modo conseguir acceso VNC a la pantalla de Android (usando sólo ADB usb). No tengo una tarjeta de red USB-C así que usarla no es una opción en este momento.

Método #1 - Usando WPA_CLI

En este caso dejo sin tocar /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf y /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml y simplemente entro en wpa_cli utilizando adb shell

Configuración de wpa_cli

> add_network
> set_network 0 scan_ssid 1
> set_network 0 ssid "my_ssid"
> set_network 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK
> set_network 0 psk "my_wifi_pass"
> enable_network 0
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
<3>Trying to associate with SSID 'fy-huawei-m9'
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=5 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=6 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=fy-huawei-m9
<3>Associated with 50:01:d9:41:d7:00
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=7 BSSID=50:01:d9:41:d7:00 SSID=fy-huawei-m9
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=8 BSSID=50:01:d9:41:d7:00 SSID=fy-huawei-m9
<3>WPA: Key negotiation completed with 50:01:d9:41:d7:00 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
<3>CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 50:01:d9:41:d7:00 completed [id=0 id_str=]
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=9 BSSID=50:01:d9:41:d7:00 SSID=fy-huawei-m9
<3>CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=50:01:d9:41:d7:00 reason=3 locally_generated=1
<3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=0 state=0 BSSID=50:01:d9:41:d7:00 SSID=fy-huawei-m9

Parece que la interfaz wifi se asocia momentáneamente con el SSID pero luego se desconecta inmediatamente.

Salida de Logcat

01-01 00:16:25.358  1074  1913 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2849, uid=0, package=com.android.shell
01-01 00:16:25.358  1074  1913 I WifiService: setWifiEnabled package=com.android.shell uid=0 enable=true
01-01 00:16:25.362   756   756 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi HAL started
01-01 00:16:25.371   756   756 I android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: Wifi driver is ready: Success
01-01 00:16:25.625   756   756 I WifiHAL : Initializing wifi
01-01 00:16:25.625   951   963 I LOWI- [LOWIController] isWifiEnabled: Wifi is now enabled
01-01 00:16:25.635   756   756 I WifiHAL : mpdu_size_threshold : 128, aggressive_statistics_gathering : 0
01-01 00:16:25.636  1074  1675 I WifiVendorHal: Vendor Hal started successfully
01-01 00:16:25.636  1074  1675 D WificondControl: Setting up driver for client mode
01-01 00:16:25.770  1074  1675 D WifiStateMachine: Setting OUI to DA-A1-19
01-01 00:16:25.772   756   756 E WifiHAL : wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui: requestResponse Error:-1
01-01 00:16:25.774  1074  1675 E WifiVendorHal: setScanningMacOui(l.1445) failed {.code = ERROR_UNKNOWN, .description = unknown}
01-01 00:16:25.784  1074  1675 I WifiVendorHal: Driver: Firmware: FW: HW:WCN3990_V2.1
01-01 00:16:25.799  1074  1110 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.799  1074  1110 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.799  1074  1110 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.835  1074  1675 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 48931bf
01-01 00:16:25.836  1074  1677 I WifiScanningService: wifi driver loaded with scan capabilities: max buckets=6
01-01 00:16:25.840  1074  1675 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming supported with capabilities: max num blacklist bssid=16 max num whitelist ssid=4
01-01 00:16:25.841  1074  1675 D WifiNative-wlan0: configureRoaming
01-01 00:16:25.842  1074  1675 I WifiStateMachine: disconnectedstate enter
01-01 00:16:25.844  1074  1675 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:16:25.844  1074  1675 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin identical 2 lines
01-01 00:16:25.845  1074  1675 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:16:25.854  1074  1110 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.854  1074  1110 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.854  1074  1110 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
01-01 00:16:25.939  1835  1973 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyWifiP2pStateChanged(5)
01-01 00:16:55.456  1074  1913 D WifiService: setWifiEnabled: true pid=2876, uid=0, package=com.android.shell
01-01 00:16:55.456  1074  1913 I WifiService: setWifiEnabled package=com.android.shell uid=0 enable=true
01-01 00:17:35.524  1074  1110 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:17:35.524  1074  1110 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:17:35.525  1074  1110 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
01-01 00:19:35.647   756  2865 I WifiHAL : event received NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, vendor_id = 0x1374, subcmd = 0x6a
01-01 00:19:36.272   756  2865 I WifiHAL : event received NL80211_CMD_VENDOR, vendor_id = 0x1374, subcmd = 0x6b
01-01 00:19:36.441  1074  1675 W WifiConfigManager: Looking up network with invalid networkId -1
01-01 00:19:36.442  1074  1675 W WifiStateMachine: Connected to unknown networkId -1, disconnecting...
01-01 00:19:37.260   756  2865 E WifiHAL : Few pkt stats messages missed: rcvd = 0, prev = 0
01-01 00:19:37.260   756  2865 I WifiHAL : Fate Tx-Rx: Packet fate stats stop received
01-01 00:19:58.058  1074  1110 I WifiService: requestActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:19:58.058  1074  1110 I WifiService: reportActivityInfo uid=1000
01-01 00:19:58.059  1074  1110 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000

La línea clave aquí son:

01-01 00:19:36.441  1074  1675 W WifiConfigManager: Looking up network with invalid networkId -1
01-01 00:19:36.442  1074  1675 W WifiStateMachine: Connected to unknown networkId -1, disconnecting...

Parece que el WifiConfigManager no me deja conectarme a una red que no esté definida en /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml

Método #2 - Definición ingenua en wpa_supplicant.conf

En este intento simplemente defino el entwork en wpa_supplicant.conf y no toco /data/misc/wifi/WifiConfigStore.xml

Este es el aspecto de mi wpa_supplicant.conf:


ctrl_interface=DIR=/data/system/wpa_supplicant GROUP=wifi


A continuación, procedo a desactivar y volver a activar el servicio wifi mediante svc wifi disable y svc wifi enable y hasta reiniciar el teléfono pero en ambos casos no parece ni siquiera intentar conectarse a la red. El invalid networkId -1 el mensaje sigue apareciendo.

Salida de Logcat:

01-01 00:00:06.649  1062  1062 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed
01-01 00:00:06.649  1062  1062 D WifiService: resetting country code because SIM is removed
01-01 00:00:06.649  1062  1062 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed
01-01 00:00:06.649  1062  1062 D WifiService: resetting country code because SIM is removed
01-01 00:00:06.649  1062  1670 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:00:06.650  1062  1670 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:00:07.055  1062  1073 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
01-01 00:00:07.061  1062  1670 W WifiConfigManager: Looking up network with invalid networkId -1

Método #3 - Copiar WifiConfigStore.xml de un teléfono diferente que se conecta a este SSID

Como último intento, he restaurado el wpa_supplicant.conf original y he copiado el WifiConfigStore.xml de un teléfono con la misma versión de Android que se conecta con éxito a la red WiFi en cuestión. Luego reinicié el teléfono


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
    <int name="Version" value="1" />
                <string name="ConfigKey">&quot;fy-huawei-m9&quot;WPA_PSK</string>
                <string name="SSID">&quot;fy-huawei-m9&quot;</string>
                <null name="BSSID" />
                <string name="PreSharedKey">&quot;THEFORTUNE&quot;</string>
                <null name="WEPKeys" />
                <int name="WEPTxKeyIndex" value="0" />
                <boolean name="HiddenSSID" value="false" />
                <boolean name="RequirePMF" value="false" />
                <byte-array name="AllowedKeyMgmt" num="1">02</byte-array>
                <byte-array name="AllowedProtocols" num="1">0b</byte-array>
                <byte-array name="AllowedAuthAlgos" num="1">01</byte-array>
                <byte-array name="AllowedGroupCiphers" num="1">0f</byte-array>
                <byte-array name="AllowedPairwiseCiphers" num="1">06</byte-array>
                <boolean name="Shared" value="true" />
                <int name="Status" value="0" />
                <null name="FQDN" />
                <null name="ProviderFriendlyName" />
                <null name="LinkedNetworksList" />
                <null name="DefaultGwMacAddress" />
                <boolean name="ValidatedInternetAccess" value="true" />
                <boolean name="NoInternetAccessExpected" value="false" />
                <int name="UserApproved" value="0" />
                <boolean name="MeteredHint" value="false" />
                <int name="MeteredOverride" value="0" />
                <boolean name="UseExternalScores" value="false" />
                <int name="NumAssociation" value="22" />
                <int name="CreatorUid" value="1000" />
                <string name="CreatorName">android.uid.system:1000</string>
                <string name="CreationTime">time=08-02 08:39:20.369</string>
                <int name="LastUpdateUid" value="1000" />
                <string name="LastUpdateName">android.uid.system:1000</string>
                <int name="LastConnectUid" value="1000" />
                <boolean name="IsLegacyPasspointConfig" value="false" />
                <long-array name="RoamingConsortiumOIs" num="0" />
                <string name="SelectionStatus">NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLED</string>
                <string name="DisableReason">NETWORK_SELECTION_ENABLE</string>
                <string name="ConnectChoice">&quot;fy-net-ac&quot;WPA_PSK</string>
                <long name="ConnectChoiceTimeStamp" value="1534074466002" />
                <boolean name="HasEverConnected" value="true" />
                <string name="IpAssignment">DHCP</string>
                <string name="ProxySettings">NONE</string>
        <long name="ProviderIndex" value="0" />


01-01 00:00:05.424  1073  1637 D WifiConfigStore: Reading from user store completed in 4 ms.
01-01 00:00:05.440  1073  1637 D WifiConfigStore: Writing to stores completed in 16 ms.
01-01 00:00:05.440  1073  1637 D WIFI    : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.442  1073  1637 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware supported feature set: 48931bf
01-01 00:00:05.442  1073  1637 D WifiConnectivityHelper: Firmware roaming supported with capabilities: max num blacklist bssid=16 max num whitelist ssid=4
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WifiNative-wlan0: configureRoaming
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI    : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI    : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI    : got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.443  1073  1637 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-01 00:00:05.445  1073  1676 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: Registering ISupplicant service ready callback.
01-01 00:00:05.447  1073  1689 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: IServiceNotification.onRegistration for: android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant, default preexisting=true
01-01 00:00:05.447  1073  1689 I zygote64: Looking for service android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default
01-01 00:00:05.449  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getInterface()
01-01 00:00:05.449  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getInterface() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.449  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getInterface() with result = android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicantP2pIface@Proxy
01-01 00:00:05.450  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering registerCallback()
01-01 00:00:05.450  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: registerCallback() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.450  1073  1689 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving registerCallback()
01-01 00:00:05.450  1073  1689 I SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: Completed initialization of ISupplicant interfaces.
01-01 00:00:05.484  1073  1632 I WifiService: getConfiguredNetworks uid=1000
01-01 00:00:05.543  1073  1073 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed
01-01 00:00:05.543  1073  1073 D WifiService: resetting country code because SIM is removed
01-01 00:00:05.543  1073  1637 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:00:05.544  1073  1073 D WifiService: resetting networks because SIM was removed
01-01 00:00:05.544  1073  1073 D WifiService: resetting country code because SIM is removed
01-01 00:00:05.544  1073  1637 D WifiStateMachine: resetting EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' networks since SIM was changed
01-01 00:00:05.556  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceName(Android_d3d3)
01-01 00:00:05.556  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceName(Android_d3d3) completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.556  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceName(Android_d3d3)
01-01 00:00:05.556  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setSsidPostfix(-Android_d3d3)
01-01 00:00:05.557  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setSsidPostfix(-Android_d3d3) completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.557  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setSsidPostfix(-Android_d3d3)
01-01 00:00:05.557  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5)
01-01 00:00:05.557  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5) completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.558  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsDeviceType(10-0050F204-5)
01-01 00:00:05.558  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad)
01-01 00:00:05.558  1847  1956 I QCNEJ/CndHalConnector: -> SND notifyWifiP2pStateChanged(5)
01-01 00:00:05.559  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad) completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.559  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving setWpsConfigMethods(virtual_push_button physical_display keypad)
01-01 00:00:05.559  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering getDeviceAddress()
01-01 00:00:05.559  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: getDeviceAddress() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.560  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving getDeviceAddress() with result = 82:ad:16:7a:57:57
01-01 00:00:05.560  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering flush()
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: flush() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving flush()
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering serviceFlush()
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: serviceFlush() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving serviceFlush()
01-01 00:00:05.561  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering listNetworks()
01-01 00:00:05.562  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: listNetworks() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.562  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving listNetworks() with result = []
01-01 00:00:05.562  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: entering saveConfig()
01-01 00:00:05.569  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: saveConfig() completed successfully.
01-01 00:00:05.569  1073  1676 D SupplicantP2pIfaceHal: leaving saveConfig()
01-01 00:00:06.108  1073  1834 D WificondControl: Scan result ready event
01-01 00:00:06.113  1073  1637 W WifiConfigManager: Looking up network with invalid networkId -1

Todavía no hay suerte. No sé qué más puedo hacer en este momento, pero no me rindo todavía.

2 votos

¿Sabe usted acerca de github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy ?

0 votos

Scrcpy parece bastante interesante. Lo probaré e informaré aquí.

0 votos

Gracias @Zulakis. scrcpy está funcionando perfectamente y no podría estar más contento. He conseguido conectarme al Wifi con normalidad y puedo retomar mis experimentos.


Jack Wade Puntos 231

svc wifi enable|disable debería funcionar si sólo se trata de encender y apagar el WiFi. O puedes usar setWifiEnabled directamente llamando al servicio wifi . En Android 8.1 su código (orden) es 24 , por lo que se puede hacer desde adb shell :

~$ service call wifi s16 null i32 1    # Trun WiFi ON
~$ service call wifi s16 null i32 0    # Trun WiFi OFF

Pero como también hay que añadir una nueva red para conectarse, se hace difícil pasar por las APIs de Android desde la línea de comandos.


Otro enfoque es utilizar wpa_supplicant (y opcionalmente wpa_cli ) directamente desde la CLI, no confíes en los WifiConfigStore.xml o wpa_supplicant.conf .

El siguiente script incluye los pasos sencillos:


IFACE=wlan0                 # WiFi interface name
SSID=abcxyz                 # WiFi network name
PSK=foobarfoobar            # WiFi network password
DIR=/data/local/tmp/WIFI    # temporary directory
mkdir -p $DIR

if [ "$1" = stop ]
    pkill wpa_supplicant
    ip ru del lookup main
    ip r f table main
    ip a f dev $IFACE
    rm -rf $DIR
    ndc resolver setnetdns 0 ''

# set interface up, add rule to lookup into 'main' table
svc wifi disable
for i in /sys/class/net/*; do ip link set down dev $(basename $i); done
ip link set dev lo up
ip link set dev $IFACE up
ip rule add lookup main

# destroy set network  if any
ndc network default set 0

# create configuration file
<<-CONF cat >$DIR/wpa_supplicant.conf

# scan WiFi and connect to access point
wpa_supplicant -B -i $IFACE -c $DIR/wpa_supplicant.conf
until iw dev $IFACE link | grep -q '^Connected to'; do sleep 1; done

# create 'udhcpc' script
<<-'SCRIPT' cat >$DIR/udhcpc_default.script

[ "$1" = bound ] || exit 0

# set IP address, add gateway route and set DNS
ip address add $ip/$mask dev $interface
ip route add default via $router dev $interface
ndc resolver setnetdns 0 '' $dns

# start DHCP client to obtain IP from server
chmod 0755 $DIR/udhcpc_default.script
busybox udhcpc -v -f -q -i $IFACE -s $DIR/udhcpc_default.script

* Omita la parte de DHCP si desea configurar la IP, la ruta y el DNS manualmente.
* Utilizo mi propia construcción wpa_supplicant binario . udhcpc es un applet de busybox, ip , iw y ndc son parte de Android de serie.
* Para más opciones, véase wpa_supplicant.conf y udhcpc muestras .


Las aplicaciones creadas con el SDK de Android dependen del resolver libc de Bionic para las consultas DNS, por lo que necesitamos establecer servidores DNS a través de las API nativas. Sin embargo, la pila de red de Java sigue sin funcionar, por lo que algunas aplicaciones que dependen de las API de Android pueden no comportarse con normalidad. Los programas enlazados con otras bibliotecas C pueden requerir resolv.conf de existir. Ver detalles en ¿Cómo configurar el DNS? y ¿Cómo hace el sistema operativo Android la resolución de nombres DNS?


Otro problema podría ser cargar el controlador WiFi en el núcleo (como módulo) y el firmware en el arranque. Esto es manejado por el proveedor específico wcnss_service que se ejecuta en combinación con android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service HAL. Por ejemplo, en mi dispositivo con Qualcomm Atheros Prima módulo WLAN el servicio carga el firmware ( WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini y otros relacionados WCNSS_* ) de los archivos de /vendor/firmware/wlan/prima/ o /persist .

Una vez que se enciende el WiFi después del arranque, se inician todos los servicios (incluyendo wificond ) y se carga el firmware. Puede comprobarlo utilizando rfkill o iw phy o directamente desde /sys/class/rfkill . Para cargar manualmente el controlador:

~# echo -n sta >/sys/module/wlan/parameters/fwpath

Se pueden encontrar algunos detalles más aquí , aquí y aquí .

Al cargar el controlador/firmware la interfaz WiFi ya debería estar creada. Compruebe con iw dev o ip link . O puede crear manualmente:

~# iw $(busybox rfkill -no device list wifi) interface add $IFACE type managed


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